Absolute Power analyses and reflects on power structures and the mechanisms behind them. Started originally in 2019 with the majority of work done in 2022, this project will result in several cycles of exhibitions in the next years. The first one From Initiation Rites To World War will be shown the first time at XM3 Aalborg Denmark in 2022.

AR-15, oil painting, 2019
The AR-15 rifle was used in a majority of mass shootings
Rewriting History :
I keep forgetting facesa Machine Learning projectAn important method to establish power is to rewrite history, to change the narration.
rewriting netart : netart version of
Rewriting History : I keep forgetting faces which performs the calculations in the browser
impotence + power : robotic, microcontroller controlled installation
Liberated Architecture III : generative e-paper installation
The Tradwives : generative e-paper installation